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Notice of 143rd Annual General Meeting

Notice is hereby given that the 143rd Annual General Meeting of The Royal Yacht Club of Tasmania will be held at the Clubhouse on Wednesday, 24th day of July Two Thousand and Twenty-Four at 6.00pm as follows; •4.45pm Registration for AGM opens •5.45pm 50-year Membership Presentation •6.00pm AGM commences The business of the meeting shall include:
•Confirmation of Minutes from the 142nd Annual General Meeting held on 26th July 2023
•Presentation of the Annual Report, Statement of Accounts, Balance Sheet, and the Auditors Report
•Declaration of any ballots for elections
•Appointment and engagement of Auditors for the 2024/2025 financial year
•General business - to transact any other Business which has been properly brought forward.

Should any Member desire to have any matter included in the Agenda of the Annual General Meeting, the Member shall give written notice thereof to the Company Secretary not less than thirty (30) days prior to the meeting.

According to the Club’s constitution to be eligible to vote in the ballot and at the Annual General Meeting you must be a financial member and in one of the eligible membership categories (Senior, Life, Fifty Year, Perennial, Veteran, Country, Intermediate)

NOTE: the ballot will close 12 Noon Monday 22nd July 2024.

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