Notice of 143rd Annual General Meeting
The Royal Yacht Club of Tasmania (ACN 009 585 059)
(“the Company”)
TO: All Members of The Royal Yacht Club of Tasmania
The Company Auditor
TAKE NOTICE that the Annual General Meeting will be held on 24th July 2024 at 6.00 pm at The Royal Yacht Club of Tasmania, 15 Marieville Esplanade Sandy Bay 7005 to consider:
- Confirmation of Minutes from the 142nd Annual General Meeting held on 26th July 2023.
- Presentation of the Annual Report, Statement of Accounts, Balance Sheet, and the Auditor’s Report.
- Appointment and re-engagement of Club Auditors for the 2024/2025 financial year.
- If thought fit pass the following “Special Resolutions” relating to the Company:
“That the Company agrees to the variation of the Membership Class rights of the Company that will occur by repealing the current Constitution of the Company dated 23rd July 2015 and adopting the Replacement Constitution” and
“That the Company repeals the current Constitution of the Company dated 23rd July 2015 and adopts the replacement Constitution” and
Notes and relevant documents to the Special Resolution – available at the Front Office and link on the website under Membership AGM 2024
- Explanatory Memorandum.
- Background notes regarding proposed changes.
- Copy of Constitution with Changes.
- Copy of Proposed Constitution.
General Business – to transact any other business which has been properly brought forward.
- Marina Berth fees– Propose that the incoming Board reconsiders the recent 5% increase, following an 8% increase for the previous year.
- Future life and risk assessment of the Club Marina– Propose that the incoming and future Boards and Management provide the Members a profit & loss assessment of the Marina before further increased fees are applied.
- Board Vacancies– Propose that the Members request the incoming Board to consider late nominations for the vacant Board positions.
Dated this 2nd day of July 2024
Company Secretary
The Royal Yacht Club of Tasmania