Marine Radio

All marine radio users, except those operating 27MHz maritime radio stations, must be qualified. In Tasmania, it is a requirement that any recreational vessel operating outside sheltered waters must carry a marine radio.

The RYCT offers certificates of proficiency
Long Range Operator Certificate of Proficiency – HF (LROCP)
Short Range Operator Certificate of Proficiency – VHF(SROCP)

There are also fast track courses available on request.

For more information, please contact the Sailing Operations Manager,  at


Price   $ 190

Long-range includes MF/HF 2 x 3hr sessions and exam session

  • Partner is invited to attend for free does not include exam
  • Course numbers restricted to allow for practical exercises
  • Includes AMC exam cost

Next available times to be released soon

Click HERE to register

Price   $ 180

Short-range VHF 2 x 3 hr sessions exam and exam session

Partner is invited to attend for free does not include exam

  • Course numbers restricted to allow for practical exercises
  • Includes AMC exam cost

Next available times to be released soon

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