Combined Clubs Hillcrest Twilight Race

On the 16th December 2021, we all were devastated to hear of the unfolding tragedy that occurred at the Hillcrest Primary School in Devonport. The loss of 6 young Tasmanian lives has left us deeply saddened and is utterly devastating and heartbreaking for all involved.
On behalf of the Hobart Combined Clubs and all of our collective members we extend our deepest sympathies to the families, friends and loved ones of everyone affected by this tragedy.
In memory of the youngsters lost on this day the Combined Clubs will conduct a special Combined Clubs twilight race, “the Combined Clubs Hillcrest Twilight Race” on Friday 14th January 2022. The race will be jointly conducted by the Combined Clubs using the Bellerive Yacht Club start and finish box at Victoria Esplanade, with on water resources provided by the Royal Yacht Club of Tasmania. This twilight race will allow the use of spinnakers and all entry fees will be donated to Hillcrest Community Public Fund.
After racing, prize giving will be conducted at the Bellerive Yacht Club, but will be broadcast via Zoom to the Royal Yacht Club of Tasmania and the Derwent Sailing Squadron. During prize giving there will be additional fund-raising activities at each club, again with all proceeds to be donated to the Hillcrest Community Public Fund.
How to enter?
You can find the notice of race and entry portal at
Please come and join us and in doing so give support to the Hillcrest Primary School and Devonport communities.